Members of the board:


Ilyasov Talyat  (center)
Ilyasov Eskender (left)
Khomutov Vitaliy (right)

Mission of the organization is the work for boon of society in Ukraine.

Year of foundation – 1995

Past and current experiences: NGO IEC “Borazan” has been founded in 1995 and has powerful creative and executive capacity. NGO “Borazan” is a founder of TV and Radio Company “TAV-DAIR”. The organization published some books about actual problems. Hundreds of consultations and educational services have been given to the target groups. The organization has active partnership relationships with other non-governmental organizations in Crimea, Ukraine and even in the world. As a result, members of the organization regularly attend sundry conferences and seminars that significantly increase their knowledge level and enhance their problem-solving skills.

Numbers of members – 16, number of volunteers - 28

The organization gives informational and educational service for population especially for rural population.

NGO IEC “Borazan” works to help people in next directions:

- mobilization of communities
- prevention of spreading HIV
- decentralization
- development of alternative fuel
- democratization
- sustainable development

Many public activists work with us!





The office of NGO "Borazan" is always open for public activists



The clean ecology is our priorities too!

There is always a chance to improve your life




© borazan

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